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August 1, 2017


Although the Bluecoat acquisition feels like old news, the Fireglass and Skycure deal has only just been announced. We at CST wanted to take the time to explain them both to you.

Symantec + Bluecoat: Understanding the value of the new offering

These two heavy weights in the security space combine the leader in endpoint, email, data loss prevention and data center security with the #1 market share leader in Website Security and Cloud Generation Security. They are committing to innovation driven by scale, product breadth, massive engineering and research investment. The challenges (problems) that Symantec are striving to solve with Bluecoat:

  • Staying ahead of advanced threats
  • Securing the mobile workforce
  • Helping customers securely embrace the cloud

Bluecoat: Solutions at a glance:

  • SSL Visibility: Enabling encrypted traffic to be monitored, to prevent a trusted path becoming an un-checked back door. 1 in 6 web attacks use SLL or similar services to tunnel into the network to bypass perimeter checks
  • CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker): Managing and securing the access and usage of Cloud apps and cloud based information storage
  • Web Security: Both on-site proxy and cloud based web protection. Symantec already have products in this space, however Bluecoat have advanced functionality that will boost the existing solutions to provide enhanced security and control

NEW: Symantec + Fireglass

Symantec has announced it is acquiring cybersecurity startup Fireglass. They have described this as a small deal designed to boost its products that protect corporate email and web browsing from threats.

Fireglass specialises in an area of security called "browser isolation", a technology that segregates the user from web borne threats. "Browser isolation" is an area that Symantec had been looking to enter for some time, Chief Executive Greg Clark said in an interview. He cited a Gartner report that projected that 50 percent of enterprises would adopt browser isolation by 2021. Financial institutions, government and telecommunications firms have been early adopters of the technology, he said.

NEW: Symantec + Skycure

Symantec has also announced it is set to acquire mobile security technology Skycure. Skycure offers comprehensive defence against risks and threats affecting mobile devices, such as:

  • Malware and Application: Instant protection against zero-day malware, malicious or malevolent apps
  • Connection: Providing an effective shield against malicious Wi-Fi networks, Man-in-the-Middle or similar manipulation attacks
  • Physical: MDM (Mobile Device Management) functionality or integration with existing EMM/MDM solutions (such as Citrix, MobileIron, Airwatch) to provide:
  • Remote wipe in case a device is lost or compromised
  • Passcode lock to protect corporate information
  • Automated upgrades/updates to Skycure apps and profiles
  • Comprehensive status and risk reporting

If you have any questions regarding these Symantec acquisitions, or any of the new technologies please get in touch with the team today. Either call 0207 621 9740 or email us.